Friday, October 31, 2014

Protein concentration, membrane based, Molecular Weight Cutoff aka Nominal Molecular Weight Limit

Protein concentrator based on membrane and centrifugation works by removing biomolecules at determined molecular size/weight. For example, a membrane-based protein concentrator such as Centriprep Centrifugal Filter Unit with Ultracel-50 membrane (Merck Millipore cat# 4311) has a protein cutoff point at 50 kDa. The term used can be  Molecular Weight Cutoff (MWCO; refer to Wikipedia) or Nominal Molecular Weight Limit (NMWL) but they mean similar thing, that proteins at or above 50 kDa is trapped/concentrated whereas molecules at <50 be="" br="" kda="" removed.="" will="">

1 comment:

  1. Protein concentration could be helpful with molecular advance, at least for the recombinant protein research. Is it possible that peptide synthesis could be connected with protein concentration?
