Wednesday, February 4, 2015

In vitro cell culture changes epigenetic marks

This study demonstrates that cell culture could change the epigenetic mark of cells taken from tissues. In this paper, the 5hmC marks reduced drastically after plating mouse fibroblast taken from mice.  The factors involved are reduced Tet protein expression (important for modifying 5- methylcytosine to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine), which is responsive to environmental changes and loss of cofactors important for Tet activity.


  1. The lose of cofactors should be much more difficult to address as the influence from environment changes can be settled by setting ideal conditions. Is it possible for cofactors to be replaced by chemicals to drive the protein expression? Or organic synthesis chemistry may be helpful.

  2. It is possible about what Brown Ada suggested. And Synthetic Biology can also be helpful.
