Friday, August 22, 2014

Definition my friend, without definition I can't understand you

In written work, please provide sufficient (if not redundant) amount of definition/explanation of terms used in the writing. If a writer fails to do so, it will be very difficult for readers to understand what you are trying to say.

In a conversation, at least when the listener can't understand a term/expression introduced into the speech, he/she can still stop the speaker on his/her track to ask about the ambiguous or foreign term (or expression) just used.

So, when someone is talking about "input tax", "residual supplies, claim, and "De Minimis Rule", a Science person like me only hear tax input, what supply leftover, claim, minimal rule, what? It make no sense.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

How to manually merge two channels using Zeiss Axiovision

I forgets how to do this and thus, having a blog to refer to will be useful. This is a manual method to merge images taken using Axiovision. There is an automatic method (multidimensional) to acquire and merge the images, but I will not cover it here.

First, acquire multiple images with different channel, e.g. Bright field (BF), Green, Red, Blue etc. Then go to the first image and click on Processing in the menu bar, scroll down and click on Add Channel. A popup will show the first image and there is a box to check for [preview].

On the bottom, there is input 1 to input 3 (if you want to merge three images). Click ok and the software will generate the merged image. In order to view the different channels, and merge image in a screen, click on the "gallery view" tab at the bottom of the image. You can individually select a channel and adjust the brightness. There could be other adjustment to image you can do.

That's it.