Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Not all hog mentality are bad

It would be unfair to categorize all hogs (or hog mentality) as bad or obnoxious. Some hogging is required for survival in some lab. I guess all of us are susceptible to adopting this useful skill sometimes.

I can think of several reasons we transform to hogs. They are as follow:
  1. After having prepared all solutions, stocks, plates, slides etc. and when the time comes to use them, you find out someone had used them and didn't have the common sense to replace these for you.
  2. Sharing is not a problem to you until someone carelessly contaminated your buffers, stock reagents, enzymes, antibodies etc. by not aliquoting (with filtered tip). Worst, they might forget to place these reagents back to proper temperature.
  3. You assumed that it is safe to place your instruments, pipettes, slides, etc. out in the open until you find out one morning that they are untraceable.
  4. The concept of borrowing to some people is akin to taking without return and you find yourself reluctant to lend.
  5. It is disheartening to find your work place have been messed up by someone who used your bench without permission. The junk and spillage disgusted you. You started pasting all these notes reminding people to keep clear of your area.
I believe there are plenty of reasons for a decent person to resort to adopting a hog mentality. It's not at all difficult to distinguish real hogs to "semi-hogs". Semi-hogs tend to form an equilibrium between hog vs non-hog, whereas real hogs go all the way to being a hog :)

In some occasions, real hogs do transform into a decent person, but infrequently.

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