Thursday, January 17, 2013

Access denied can go home

My institute has all the places locked and in order to gain access to the building, I am required to constantly tap my RFID card (or identification card). It is cool to be working in this place because it gives a sense of exclusivity. It is also safe, I guess.

At times, I wished that the whole place wouldn't be locked.

For example, it is so inconvenient to move from one floor level to the next because I would need to tap on the card reader for at least three different occasions in order to reach my destination. It is still okay if I am traveling light, but imagine me carrying a tray of stuff with both hands not free.

Today, I forgot to bring my access card to work. Got trapped outside while waiting for help. At times like this, I just wish I can go home.

Fortunately, there are several places that are free from being locked, e.g. toilet, library and canteen. In addition, the vending machines with food and drink are not locked.

P.s. I have been to EMBL Heidelberg and I almost went crazy over sight of installed card reader on the vending machines there. There was no coin slot for purchase and I can only scream at the oversight of having to exclude visitors like me who are on the verge of hunger and unable to purchase the food and drink displayed there. I felt so left out. Fortunately, kind souls there helped me pay for the food and drink by using their cards.

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